Daniel Bullman

Ph.D Student, Social Work and Family Science

Curriculum vitae

Kent School of Social Work and Family Science

University of Louisville

Oppenheimer Hall
2217 S. Third Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Daniel Bullman

Ph.D Student, Social Work and Family Science


Daniel Bullman

Ph.D Student, Social Work and Family Science

Curriculum vitae

Kent School of Social Work and Family Science

University of Louisville

Oppenheimer Hall
2217 S. Third Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40292

Pioneering Public Health Research for Criminal Legal System-Impacted Communities

Welcome to the professional page of Daniel Bullman, a dedicated public health researcher from Indianapolis, Indiana, with a unique and impactful approach to improving the criminal legal system's reentry processes. With a career that seamlessly blends academic rigor with heartfelt advocacy, Daniel's work stands at the intersection of public health, criminal justice reform, and community engagement.

At the core of Daniel's research is a commitment to developing real-world interventions that successfully aid formerly incarcerated individuals in reintegrating into society. He focuses on promoting family resiliency and enhancing long-term health outcomes for those returning from any form of incarceration or government supervision. Understanding the critical importance of continuity of care, Daniel actively develops policies that facilitate a smoother transition from correctional healthcare systems to community providers, ensuring that individuals receive the support and medical care they need during this pivotal time.
Daniel's methodological approach is as comprehensive as it is compassionate. Utilizing mixed methods analysis combined with community-based participatory research, he brings together system-impacted individuals, their families, and criminal justice system members. This inclusive research model enriches his findings and ensures that the interventions developed are deeply rooted in the lived experiences of those most affected by the criminal legal system.
What sets Daniel apart in the field of public health research is his diverse background and personal journey. With over a decade of service in law enforcement, including roles with the Marion County Sheriff's Office and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, Daniel brings a nuanced understanding of the criminal legal system to his work. His experiences with the criminal legal system and his advocacy for families navigating the challenges of reentry or pursuing higher education after prison provide a robust foundation for his research. This blend of professional insight and personal experience allows Daniel to design interventions that are not only evidence-based but also realistic, compassionate, and tailored to the needs of justice-impacted households.
Through his innovative research and policy work, Daniel Bullman is making significant strides in transforming how society approaches reentry with a vision of a world where public health principles guide rehabilitation and reintegration. Join him in this crucial endeavor to improve the quality of life and health outcomes for individuals and families affected by the criminal legal system.

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